Cinema 4d Dem Earth Crack
Class 6: Create materialsWe create materials for the can and the ice cube. Working with shaders such as Fresnel, Noise and the Reflectance Channels. Using Mograph to model additional elements such as condensation, bubbles and cracks.
[ul][li]Load massive, full color LIDAR data, directly into Cinema4D using LAS,LAZ , XYZ or PTS format, and render it, without any messing around.[/li][li]Solve all known geographic reference systems. With LAZPoint, you dont need any other program to work with geographically referenced LIDAR data.[/li][li]Includes the amazing LAZRender engine, for fast rendering of huge point clouds, making this the easiest \"load and render \", LIDAR solution, ever built.[/li][li]Handle hundreds of millions of points, in your editor, in realtime, even on moderate hardware.[/li][li]Create Point clouds from your scenes, by simply rendering them, and having LAZPoint capture your render for you, to a point cloud.[/li][li]Create Point clouds for any place on earth, when combined with DEM Earth.[/li][li]Work with color point clouds, exported from programs such as Agisoft Photoscan, or RealityCapture .[/li][li]Work with several output modes, such as XParticles, hair, points with RGB vertex maps, and more, for easy rendering in 3rd party engines.[/li][/ul]
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